Custom Nodes and Models

If you want to install custom nodes and modes, you can create custom ComfyUI environments called "Machines" which contains the models, custom nodes you want.

1. Install custom nodes

To define the custom nodes you want to install in your machine, you need a snapshot.json. The format of the json should look like this:

  "git_custom_nodes": {
    "": {},
    "": {}

Optionally, you can define the version of comfyui and custom nodes in hash . Otherwise it will just use the latest comfyui and custom nodes versions:

  "comfyui": "b249862080d4c046bd7f2680898c2f348c792a12",
  "git_custom_nodes": {
    "": {
      "hash": "72482e70f73336a3dd61cbf9cc7d973137e9b33d"

[Optional] Get snapshot from ComfyUI-Manager

You can manually write snapshot.json or you can get snapshot.json from ComfyUI-Manager, which includes the custom nodes and versions you currently installed in your local ComfyUI.

After saving, your snapshot.json will be under ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI-Manager/snapshots

2. Create ComfyUI machine

open → Create Machine → paste the snapshot.json you prepared in last step → Create

Wait for around 10 to 30 minutes until the build is finished. The more models and nodes you install in the machine, the slower it will take. So try to keep only the necessary ones.

Refresh the machine page until you see that Server status is ready and “Open ComfyUI” button is clickable

Click “Open ComfyUI” button and it should open up the ComfyUI with your custom nodes installed 🎉

3. Install Models

If you want to install models, you need to connect a "live GPU session", where you will connect to a exclusive GPU server and pay for the entire period when you are connected.

Wait for 1 or 2 minutes til ComfyUI server started and click the "Open ComfyUI" button on page

Once you opened the ComfyUI, click "Models" then you can "Upload File" to it.

[Optional] Install to docker image

Optionally, you can bake models into the docker image which will give you faster model loading speed than installing models on network volume. To bake models into docker image, you can add the model download url into your snapshot.json of your machine snapsho in 2. Create ComfyUI machine

  "models": {
    "checkpoints/cardosAnime_v20.safetensors": {
      "url": ""
  "git_custom_nodes": {
    "": {
      "hash": "72482e70f73336a3dd61cbf9cc7d973137e9b33d"

Last updated